Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Changed the look

Now if I could figure out how to do my own blog header I would be in even better shape. I would love to figure out how to be able to change the header with the seasons especially since I so love fall...................Se La Vi I suppose, it gets really expensive having to pay someone for it, I really wish I was computer literate enough to figure out how to do it on my own. Anyone feeling sorry for me yet?? LOL Have a great day.

Well it's only been what a month or so since I posted

I posted anything..........what the heck, no big deal right? I hate it when school starts because then that means everything in regards to me gets pushed to the back burner. UGGGGG I really need to learn how to prioritize. The only thing is my job this year really kicks my butt, so by the time dinner is done, kids are all in bed, I'm ready for bed. I really need some help! LOL I'm home today, because I had a horrendous migraine that I just couldn't get rid of, it is a little better now, but I can't really go downstairs to stamp, because I have flurescent lights, and those don't do to well for me when I have had a headache. Hopefully maybe later today, when I no the headache is completely gone. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Football season is over, Booster basketball has started for Payton, but luckily for me John has decided to help coach so I don't have to worry about getting Payton to practices. WooHoo! This weekend I'm throwing a surprise birthday party for my hubby, he turns 40 on the 23rd, so hoping people show up! I dread doing things like this, because I feel like such a flop if things don't work out! Payton will be 14 on the 26th, I swear she's stretching her birthday out as far as she can, I believe we have 2 weekends full of birthday celebrations just for her.........LOL
Fall has finally set in here I think, and I'm so excited, we have fall break starting on Thursday, so a 4 day weekend, and John decided to take Friday off so we could go down to a small town, "Brown County" and look at all the wonderful leaves changing color and what not, I'm hoping to get some spectacular pictures. I absolutely love the fall season here in Indiana, it is actually probably the only season that I love..........LOL I think we might also stop by the covered bridge festival too, talk about beautiful! Well I need to go, take some more excedrin, take it easy and hope that I can get downstairs at some point in the day.
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