Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well this is definitely not my style of card, but I can honestly say I don't absolutely dislike it. I got my 4 different 6x6 basic grey pads and really wanted to use them, so this is what I came up with first. I'm still really really working on the photography of my cards too, I just can't seem to get the right sunlight action. Well Baseball season officially opens this Saturday, the boys are both very excited. I on the other hand can't really say one way or the other, usually I'm really excited for it to start but I think with everything else going on in my life I just don't have the usual umphf (not really a word I know......LOL) My dr. appt with the breast specialist is coming up, Monday morning, and I would really like to get it over with and get everything scheduled, I think all this waiting is what is really dragging me down. I can say though that I have a very dear girlfriend that has and is doing her best to keep my spirits up, she has sent me a card everyday for the last oh at least 7 days I think!! And I love every single one of them. I will take a pic of them all as soon as I get a chance. Thanks Bev!!
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1 comment:

Bev The Softball Mom said...

Well what are BFF's for! I am glad it worked and even forgetting one day to mail one you never had a day you didn't get one!Gotta love usps. lol Love ya GF!

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