Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wow a Christmas Card

Well I figured I better hurry up and get the last few pictures of my Christmas cards posted before the holiday passes by. This card actually came together rather nice. I'm very happy with it. You can't really tell but the Holly Berries on the wreath have red stickles on it. I still haven't even mailed out my cards yet. I am so horrible, who in their right mind makes their Christmas cards and never gets them sent out. I did that last year, so I'm really going to make myself go finish stuffing the envy's. I even have the postage stamps.
I could make many excuses, but really who am I fooling, I'm not even working right now. Too much time makes for too much thinking I think.....LOL

Wow I made myself make the phone call that's been needing to be made, WOOHOOO for me. I get a gold star. Sorry about the sarcasm, I guess that seems to be about the only way I can get through everything.
I think part of my problem with my creative mojo is that even though I'm trying to be busy when I go to the basement to stamp, my mind tends to wonder. Just can't seem to keep focused, and let me tell you it sucks!

I hope you all are ready for Christmas, of course I'm not, especially since when my dad was here visiting, he took each of the kids Christmas shopping, and Josh ended up buying 3 of the same things that we had bought him. Ugggg so that means returns to Toys R Us, and I thought I was so done with that crazy place. And of course I have no clue what else to buy him. Any suggestions for a 10 almost 11 year old boy?? Help.

Have a great day, and hoping that everyone is ahead of the Christmas rush, and your able to enjoy the last week before Christmas.

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1 comment:

Chris Scrappin and Stampin in Texas said...

Hey Jen,
I laughed so hard...I too made Christmas cards last year, and addressed them all and NEVER sent them. I have not even made my cards for this year yet. We just got the tree up last night.

Does your son have an ipod? if so, ITUNES are always great. My son was into American Eagle Clothes, ITUNES, Starbucks, CD's, Videos..and all love $$. Or you can get him a gift card to Toys R US and he can pick out something. I always get a family board game too...which reminds me I have yet to pick one. They have a cute Doggie Monopoloy which I am leaning towards...Hugs, Chris

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