Saturday, August 18, 2007

First day of school

Jake 10 - 5th Payton 13 - 8th Josh 10 - 5th

It's been a crazy week, but believe it or not I have managed for the most part to keep up on everything, the only thing I have left to do today is clean the bathroom, and then I will mop the kitchen on Sunday I think. Of course laundry is ongoing so that doesn't count. Monday was the first day back to school for the kids, so hubby took pictures, because I have to leave before them now. Which let me tell you is a struggle. My first day with kids was Tuesday, and boy let me tell you it is crazy. But I have to admit Friday was the worst day, there are only 2 IA's in my room, me and my girlfriend and we just can't keep up with it all, another IA will be in on Monday but we're still going to need a 4th, and I'm trying to get my other girlfriend hired. Too many medically fragile kiddos, g-tubes, meds, getting them in and out of equipment, it's just way to much for just 2 of us. We have 5 kiddos in wheelchairs which we have to put in various equipment. I cried in the hallway yesterday but that is partly because I had such a rough night Thursday night.
Well I'm hoping to go downstairs and get some stamping done, I hope the motivation is there. Keep your fingers crossed for me, and I will be back later and post a card. Have a great Saturday!
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Bev The Softball Mom said...

Omg, They are getting so big! Iam really feeling old! Love ya GF!

Mary Leeson said...

Cute kids. You must be very blessed, Jen!

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